Farmers’ markets are known to be one of the oldest forms of direct marketing by small local farmers. Growers from all over the world would gather weekly to sell their produce straight to the public. This past decade it has become a favorite marketing method for many farmers. Now that summer is in bloom now is the time to visit your local farmers markets to get great quality fruits! Speaking of fruits lets talk about some great fruits that are out for the summer! Pears, did you know that pears contain more fiber than an apple? Pineapple is an all-body anti-inflammation super fruit. It also protects against colon cancer, arthritis, and macular degeneration. Mango is packed with rich, healthy vitamins. Watermelon is great for your heart and Kiwi packs way more vitamin C then oranges. Let’s not forget strawberries! We have the sweetest strawberries you will ever taste! Stop by we have all kinds of fruity getaways for you to get wrapped up in!