An Homage to Palestine

At a divisive time for our world and its people, we would like to shed some light and love in the midst of such darkness. Our focus is to illuminate the beauty and timelessness of cutlure and tradition through its most vibrant expression, the ingredients and food of different peoples around the world. We hope that our thoughtfully crafted spice blend pays proper homage to the people of Palestine and becomes a cornerstone of every kitchen. We wish that the experience of incorporating it into your meals it continues the conversation, the consideration, and the compassion for a beloved people whose presence is irrevocably tied to our own.

In the alchemy of this meticulously curated spice blend, the spirit of Palestine is not merely blended but orchestrated, a melodic fusion of flavors and virtues.

P resonates with the vibrant warmth of paprika, a symphony accompanied by the virtues of patience, forming an enduring foundation.

A delicately weaves in the notes of Anis, harmonizing with the aspirations of a nation.

L embodies sweet undertones of licorice, a mirror to the steadfast loyalty ingrained in the Palestinian people.

E reveals the subtle allure of echalots, an embodiment woven into the Palestinian spirit. 

S captures the rich songs encapsulated in sesame, each seed echoing tales of perseverance.

T introduces the aromatic dance of thyme, a symbol of the yearning to live. 

I for Indonesian long pepper, stands tall and intricately into the blend, a representation of the unyielding spirit of the Palestinian people.

N echoes with nigella, a seed of faith, acting as a healer within the narrative.

E for elderberry flowers, symbolizing the hope for freedom, delicately concluding this symphony of flavors and aspirations.